Tuesday, 9 October 2012


Bluwin Chsisik Sangma.
Early life:
Gilbert K. Marak was born on the 26th May 1925 in the village of Rangsapara under West Khasi Hills district, just border of Kamrup District of Assam. He was the son of Lt. Rev. Ramke O. Sangma and Lt.Mrs. Simke Marak. He was brought up in a good Christian family. As his father also one of the Christian workers, so he prepared his son also to follow the same footsteps.[1]
Education: Gilbert Marak studied his primary education in his own native place from 1933 to 1937. He finished his middle school in1941from Gohalkona and finished his matriculation in 1945 from Jorhat Christian High School. While he was studying in High school, he worked for the work scholarship and received Rs.3/- (Rupees three) per month.[2]
From 1947 to 1949 he studied the L.Th course in Cherapunji Theological College and dedicated to full time ministry. While studying in that theological college, one of the American Baptist Missionary sponsored Rs. 25/- per month to him.[3] From 1962 to 1963, he studied the Bachelor of Religious Education in Leonard Theological College, Jabalpur.[4]
His Works:
After his matriculation from 1946 to 1947, he worked as a manager of Gohalkona Trading Co-operative Society. In 1952, he was appointed as a mission supervisor of Kamrup mission field’ the mission to the Garos and Assamese people. In 1956 he was invited to Assam Baptist Seminary and worked as a register of that Seminary. He along with the then Principal of the seminary, Dr. Duffyasa changed the Assam Baptist Seminary into Eastern Theological College (Jorhat).[5]
In 1958, Rev. R.G. Beers the then Director of Youth Work and Audio-Visual department of CBCA (Present CBCNEI)[6] left the Assam and returned to America. Accordingly, Gilbert Marak was invited to Gauhati to work as a Director of Youth Work and Audio- Visual Department of CBCNEI.[7]
In the same year (1958), he along with one Indian, Rev. V.M.Koshy, served under the World Council of Churches as a Christian Education Consultant of India for the World Council of Christian Education. While he was member of the WCC, he went to different countries and preached the word of God. He travelled to the countries like Burma, Thailand, Japan, Egypt, Lebanon, Aden, Ethiopia, Tanzania, Congo, Switzerland, Italy, France and Germany.[8]
Gilbert K. Marak was ordained by Garo Baptist Church on the 8th February, 1960, during the conference of Garo Baptist Convention, in the village called Bakrapur. From 1965 onwards, he was severely sick and for eight years he could not move out from his bed. After eight years, his health was recovered but was weak. Because of his health, he could not continue his service in CBCNEI.[9] In 1972 The Bible Society of India sponsored him to Translate Bible into Garo language. In the same year, Garo Baptist Convention had appointed him as a Superintendent of Christian Mission Boy’s Hostel. While he was translating Bible, the Bible Society of India has given him Rs. 600/- per month.[10]
Family Life:
In 1957, February 13, he was married to Ratnamoy O. Sangma. God has blessed them three sons and one daughter. Two of his children one son and one daughter are medical doctors while two sons are doing business.[11]
Literarary Works:
Because of his ill health, it brought a tragedy to his family members, but on the other hand, he could contribute a lot to the society. Because of his health, he had to leave serving in Church organizations and could not travel to different parts of the world as well as of the country. But he wrote more than hundred poems in his vernacular language (Garo) and compiled it by entitling, Ang Gisik Ku·aning meaning Inner Voice of My Thoughts and published in 1973. He also wrote many pamphlets in Garo and they are:- (1).Sastroni Mingsinggipa Ranirang (Famous Queens of the Bible), (2).Ruth, (3).Pilat aro Dos gri An·chi (Pilate and Innocent Blood), (4).Sninggipa Mati (Matthew, the Appostle), (5). Youth Handbook (English), (6). Ranirangni Rani (Queen of Queen) Some of his translations are :- (1). Bi·sarangna Bak I & II (For Children Part I & II), (2). Nang·ni Nambatgipa Ripeng (Your Best Friend), (3). Nang·ni Janggi aro Nang·ni Tangka (Your Life and Your Money), (4). Mandeko Jokatgipa (Redeemer of Man), (5). Chong·motgipa Bebera·ani (6). Maikai Nangrime Dongna Nanga (How to Make Relationship with Others), (7). Gisik Saksan On·anirang Bang·a (One Spirit, But Many Gifts), (8). Chong·motgipa Bebera·ani (The True Faith), (9). Sagiparangna Nama Katta (Good News For the Sick), (10). A·gilsak Gitelnin Ong·a (This World is My Lord), (11). Sioba Jringjrotna Tangna (Dying But to Live Forever), (12). Jisuan Jokatgipa (Jesus is Saviour), (13). Jajrenga? (Worry?). (14). Isolni Mandena On·ani (The Gift of God to Man), (15).Pilakni Namnikgija Raja (The King Hated by Everyone), (16).A·song aro Jatko Maia Dal·gipa Ong·ata? (What Makes the Nation Great?), (17). An·ching Ka·saode (If We Love), (18). Jona Gitelko Manigipa Daka (Jona Makes the Lord as Worshiper), (19). Isol Saksan Bebera·a Mingsan (One God One Faith),(21). Jisu Kristoni Atchia (The Birth of Jesus Christ), (22). A·brio Skia (Sermon On the Mount), (23). Nang Pantemitingo Katchabo (Rejoice While You are Youth), (24). Tom·tomani, Bakrimani aro Namdapatani (Peace, Association and Rectification), (25). Isolni Kakket Ong·ani (Truth of God), (26). Nang·na Nangania (Your Need), (27). Chu Katchaaniko On·ama? (Do Wine Give Happiness?), (28). Na·a Baditako Dakna Ama? (How Much You Can Do?), (29). Gopram Bangbang (Empty Thomb), (30).Gital Niam (New Covenant), (31). Rongtalgipa Sastro (Holy Bible). Some of his poems, around eight volumes are not yet published.[12]
His preachings:
Although he has travelled throughout various different countries of the world, the method and style of his preaching outside the country are not much known to his people. So far as native people are concerned, he has dedicated to his preaching, simple and adjusts according to the place and people. According to Professor Dr. Milton Sangma, his preaching method is simple and can be understood by many of the congregations.[13] Earlier, the translation of the Bible was done either by American Missionaries or by some local people guided by missionaries. Most of the words used by those missionaries and earlier translators were borrowed either from Assamese or Bengalis that made the native speakers difficult to understand. When Gilbert revised the translation of the Bible, he tried to remove some of the words used by the early missionaries and put them in indigenize forms.[14]

[1] Lindrid D. Shira, “Rev. Gilbert K. Mara,” in Gisisk Matgrikrang (Ringrey, Tura: Students Book Emporium, 2006), 90.
[2] Lindrid D. Shira, “Rev. Gilbert K. Mara,” in Gisisk Matgrikrang…90.
[3] Gilbert K. Marak interviewed by All India Ratio Station, Tura and released on 3. November, 2002.
[4] Milton Sangma, History of Garo Literature (Ringrey, Tura: D.J.Publication, 2007), 60-61.
[5] Lindrid D. Shira, “Rev. Gilbert K. Mara,” in Gisisk Matgrikrang…90-91.
[6] Council of Baptist Churches in Assam (CBCA), now changed into Council of Baptist Churches in North East India (CBCNEI).
[7] Lindrid D. Shira, “Rev. Gilbert K. Mara,” in Gisisk Matgrikrang…91.
[8]Gilbert K. Marak, interviewed by All India Ratio Station, Tura and released on 3. November, 2002.
[9] Lindrid D. Shira, “Rev. Gilbert K. Mara,” in Gisisk Matgrikrang…91.
[10] Gilbert K. Marak interviewed by All India Ratio Station, Tura and released on 3. November, 2002.
[11] Lindrid D. Shira, “Rev. Gilbert K. Mara,” in Gisisk Matgrikrang…93.

[12] Lindrid D. Shira, “Rev. Gilbert K. Mara,” in Gisisk Matgrikrang…94-95.

[13] Milton Sangma, History of Garo Literature (Ringrey, Tura: D.J.Publication, 2007), 60-61.
[14] Lindrid D. Shira, “Rev. Gilbert K. Mara,” in Gisisk Matgrikrang…94-95.


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  2. Hey there!
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    Anga Nangchongmotengachim

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